Fanno parte del modulo variabile. Generalmente impiegati per ridurre la ipertrigliceridemia non controllabile da misure dietetiche. Esercitano un evidente effetto sull’aggregazione piastrinica diminuendola. Vanno pertanto somministrati sotto particolare sorveglianza in soggetti con diatesi emorragica o in trattamento con anticoagulanti.

Caratteristiche Farmacologiche: 
Una volta incorporati nei fosfolipidi di membrana, competono con l’acido arachidonico come substrato di vari processi enzimatici delle piastrine, dell’endotelio e dei leucociti, producendo maggior rilassamento endoteliale probabilmente per attivazione dell’EDRF. A queste azioni si associa una riduzione del potenziale chemiotattico e proinfiammatorio e pertanto un effetto antiaterosclerotico e antitrombotico, sostenuto dalle proprietà antiaggreganti. Studi clinici hanno evidenziato una significativa riduzione della mortalità totale cardiovascolare, in particolare delle morti improvvise osservate in trial prospettici di prevenzione secondaria in pazienti infartuati. È stata evidenziata anche un’azione antiaritmica. Numerosi studi sperimentali clinici ed epidemiologici ne hanno evidenziato un chiaro effetto preventivo, una sensibile azione antitproliferativa e antimetastatica nelle patologie neoplastiche. Nelle patologie del sistema nervoso centrale, studi clinici ne hanno documentato le proprietà preventive e le capacità terapeutiche. In ratti eterotrapiantati con vari tipi di tumori tra cui mammella, prostata e polmone hanno decisamente ritardato l’insorgenza di neoplasie. Hanno anche dimostrato di contenere gli effetti tossici di chemioterapici e di esercitare un effetto radioprotettivo. Le proprietà antiblastiche comprendono la modulazione degli eicosanoidi, l’inibizione dell’angiogenesi, un effetto antiproliferativo e proapoptotico, il contrasto dell’espressione recettoriale estrogenica. Negli stati critici e cachettici gli Ac grassi omega tre hanno contenuto o soppresso la cachessia cancro-dipendente e migliorato sensibilmente la qualità di vita. In casi di cancro della mammella, pazienti con tassi ematici più elevati di omega-3 hanno manifestato un risposta nettamente migliore alla chemioterapia delle pazienti con tassi inferiori. Numerosi lavori concordano consigliando, in aggiunta ai tradizionali trattamenti, l’integrazione dietetica con gli omega-3 e /o la sua somministrazione in dosaggi medi di 500 mg 3 volte al dì fino a un massimo di 1000 mg 3 volte al dì, in quanto in assenza di tossicità esercitano un effetto sinergico che si estende alla diminuzione di recidive, all’aumento dell’intervallo di tempo libero da recidive per l’effetto citostatico e antimetastatico. Nei casi in cui i pazienti non possono essere trattati con terapie tradizionali, viene consigliato in alternativa l’impiego di omega-3. Gli studi clinici più numerosi sull’impiego positivo degli omega 3 nelle patologie neoplastiche sono relativi principalmente alla mammella, alla prostata e al colon, anche se non mancano riferimenti ad altre neoplasia, tra cui i tumori della testa e del collo. È stata evidenziata anche la capacità di inibire l’espressione di VEGR e di COX 2. Anche l’attività antinfiammatoria e di contenimento delle malattie autoimmuni ha un ampio riscontro nella letteratura.

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Aktas H, Halperin JA. Translational regulation of gene expression by omega-3 fatty acids. J Nutr. 2004 Sep;134(9):2487S-2491S.
Astorg P. Dietary N-6 and N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and prostate cancer risk: a review of epidemiological and experimental evidence. Cancer Causes Control. 2004 May;15(4):367-86.
Augustsson K, Michaud DS, Rimm EB, Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Giovannucci E. A prospective study of intake of fish and marine fatty acids and prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2003 Jan;12(1):64-7.
Baker SD, Verweij J, Rowinsky EK, Donehower RC, Schellens JH, Grochow LB, Sparreboom A. Role of body surface area in dosing of investigational anticancer agents in adults, 1991-2001. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2002 Dec 18;94(24):1883-8.
Bakshi A, Mukherjee D, Bakshi A, Banerji AK, Das UN. Gamma-linolenic acid therapy of human gliomas. Nutrition. 2003 Apr;19(4):305-9.
Bankovic-Calic N, Ogbori MR, Nicman E. [Effect of a modified low protein and low fat diet on histologic changes and metabolism in kidneys in an experimental model of polycystic kidney disease]. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2002 Jul-Aug;130(7-8):251-7.
Barber MD, Preston T, McMillan DC, Slater C, Ross JA, Fearon KC. Modulation of the liver export protein synthetic response to feeding by an n-3 fatty-acid-enriched nutritional supplement is associated with anabolism in cachectic cancer patients. Clin Sci (Lond). 2004 Apr;106(4):359-64.
Bougnoux P, Maillard V, Ferrari P, Jourdan ML, Chajes V. n-3 fatty acids and breast cancer. IARC Sci Publ. 2002;156:337-41.
Braga M, Gianotti L, Vignali A, Carlo VD. Preoperative oral arginine and n-3 fatty acid supplementation improves the immunometabolic host response and outcome after colorectal resection for cancer. Surgery. 2002 Nov;132(5):805-14.
Brouwer IA, Katan MB, Zock PL. Dietary alpha-linolenic acid is associated with reduced risk of fatal coronary heart disease, but increased prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis. J Nutr. 2004 Apr;134(4):919-22.
Brown TT, Zelnik DL, Dobs AS. Fish oil supplementation in the treatment of cachexia in pancreatic cancer patients. Int J Gastrointest Cancer. 2003;34(2-3):143-50.
Burns CP, Halabi S, Clamon G, Kaplan E, Hohl RJ, Atkins JN, Schwartz MA, Wagner BA, Paskett E. Phase II study of high-dose fish oil capsules for patients with cancer-related cachexia. Cancer. 2004 Jul 15;101(2):370-8.
Calviello G, Di Nicuolo F, Gragnoli S, Piccioni E, Serini S, Maggiano N, Tringali G, Navarra P, Ranelletti FO, Palozza P. n-3 PUFAs reduce VEGF expression in human colon cancer cells modulating the COX-2/PGE2 induced ERK-1 and -2 and HIF-1alpha induction pathway. Carcinogenesis. 2004 Dec;25(12):2303-10.
Cha MC, Meckling KA, Stewart C. Dietary docosahexaenoic acid levels influence the outcome of arabinosylcytosine chemotherapy in L1210 leukemic mice. Nutr Cancer. 2002;44(2):176-81.
Chajes V, Bougnoux P. Omega-6/omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio and cancer. World Rev Nutr Diet. 2003;92:133-51.
Colas S, Paon L, Denis F, Prat M, Louisot P, Hoinard C, Le Floch O, Ogilvie G, Bougnoux P. Enhanced radiosensitivity of rat autochthonous mammary tumors by dietary docosahexaenoic acid. Int J Cancer. 2004 Apr 10;109(3):449-54.
Danbara N, Uehara N, Shikata N, Takada H, Hada T, Tsubura A. Dietary effects of conjugated docosahexaenoic acid on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinogenesis in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Oncol Rep. 2004 Nov;12(5):1079-85.
de Luis DA, Izaola O, Aller R, Gonzalez-Sagrado M, Cuellar L, Terroba MC. [Utility of a omega 3 fatty acids oral enhanced formula in biochemical parameters of head and neck cancer patients]. Med Clin (Barc). 2004 Oct 16;123(13):499-500.
Dominioni L, Rovera F, Pericelli A, Imperatori A. The rationale of early enteral nutrition. Acta Biomed Ateneo Parmense. 2003;74 Suppl 2:41-4.
Dwivedi C, Muller LA, Goetz-Parten DE, Kasperson K, Mistry VV. Chemopreventive effects of dietary mustard oil on colon tumor development. Cancer Lett. 2003 Jun 30;196(1):29-34.
Eynard AR. Potential of essential fatty acids as natural therapeutic products for human tumors. Nutrition. 2003 Apr;19(4):386-8.
Fearon KC, Von Meyenfeldt MF, Moses AG, Van Geenen R, Roy A, Gouma DJ, Giacosa A, Van Gossum A, Bauer J, Barber MD, Aaronson NK, Voss AC, Tisdale MJ. Effect of a protein and energy dense N-3 fatty acid enriched oral supplement on loss of weight and lean tissue in cancer cachexia: a randomised double blind trial. Gut. 2003 Oct;52(10):1479-86.
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Grimble RF. Nutritional therapy for cancer cachexia. Gut. 2003 Oct;52(10):1391-2.
Hamazaki T, Okuyama H. The Japan Society for Lipid Nutrition recommends to reduce the intake of linoleic acid. A review and critique of the scientific evidence. World Rev Nutr Diet. 2003;92:109-32.
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Harries M, O’Donnell A, Scurr M, Reade S, Cole C, Judson I, Greystoke A, Twelves C, Kaye S. Phase I/II study of DHA-paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin in patients with advanced malignant solid tumours. Br J Cancer. 2004 Nov 1;91(9):1651-5.
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Jatoi A, Rowland K, Loprinzi CL, Sloan JA, Dakhil SR, MacDonald N, Gagnon B, Novotny PJ, Mailliard JA, Bushey TI, Nair S, Christensen B; North Central Cancer Treatment Group. An eicosapentaenoic acid supplement versus megestrol acetate versus both for patients with cancer-associated wasting: a North Central Cancer Treatment Group and National Cancer Institute of Canada collaborative effort. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Jun 15;22(12):2469-76.
Jho D, Babcock TA, Helton WS, Espat NJ. Omega-3 fatty acids: implications for the treatment of tumor-associated inflammation. Am Surg. 2003 Jan;69(1):32-6.
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Raccolta di pubblicazioni
Aktas H, Halperin JA. Translational regulation of gene expression by omega-3 fatty acids. J Nutr. 2004 Sep;134(9):2487S-2491S.
Astorg P. Dietary N-6 and N-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and prostate cancer risk: a review of epidemiological and experimental evidence. Cancer Causes Control. 2004 May;15(4):367-86.
Augustsson K, Michaud DS, Rimm EB, Leitzmann MF, Stampfer MJ, Willett WC, Giovannucci E. A prospective study of intake of fish and marine fatty acids and prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2003 Jan;12(1):64-7.
Baker SD, Verweij J, Rowinsky EK, Donehower RC, Schellens JH, Grochow LB, Sparreboom A. Role of body surface area in dosing of investigational anticancer agents in adults, 1991-2001. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2002 Dec 18;94(24):1883-8.
Bakshi A, Mukherjee D, Bakshi A, Banerji AK, Das UN. Gamma-linolenic acid therapy of human gliomas. Nutrition. 2003 Apr;19(4):305-9.
Bankovic-Calic N, Ogbori MR, Nicman E. [Effect of a modified low protein and low fat diet on histologic changes and metabolism in kidneys in an experimental model of polycystic kidney disease]. Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2002 Jul-Aug;130(7-8):251-7.
Barber MD, Preston T, McMillan DC, Slater C, Ross JA, Fearon KC. Modulation of the liver export protein synthetic response to feeding by an n-3 fatty-acid-enriched nutritional supplement is associated with anabolism in cachectic cancer patients. Clin Sci (Lond). 2004 Apr;106(4):359-64.
Bougnoux P, Maillard V, Ferrari P, Jourdan ML, Chajes V. n-3 fatty acids and breast cancer. IARC Sci Publ. 2002;156:337-41.
Braga M, Gianotti L, Vignali A, Carlo VD. Preoperative oral arginine and n-3 fatty acid supplementation improves the immunometabolic host response and outcome after colorectal resection for cancer. Surgery. 2002 Nov;132(5):805-14.
Brouwer IA, Katan MB, Zock PL. Dietary alpha-linolenic acid is associated with reduced risk of fatal coronary heart disease, but increased prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis. J Nutr. 2004 Apr;134(4):919-22.
Brown TT, Zelnik DL, Dobs AS. Fish oil supplementation in the treatment of cachexia in pancreatic cancer patients. Int J Gastrointest Cancer. 2003;34(2-3):143-50.
Burns CP, Halabi S, Clamon G, Kaplan E, Hohl RJ, Atkins JN, Schwartz MA, Wagner BA, Paskett E. Phase II study of high-dose fish oil capsules for patients with cancer-related cachexia. Cancer. 2004 Jul 15;101(2):370-8.
Calviello G, Di Nicuolo F, Gragnoli S, Piccioni E, Serini S, Maggiano N, Tringali G, Navarra P, Ranelletti FO, Palozza P. n-3 PUFAs reduce VEGF expression in human colon cancer cells modulating the COX-2/PGE2 induced ERK-1 and -2 and HIF-1alpha induction pathway. Carcinogenesis. 2004 Dec;25(12):2303-10.
Cha MC, Meckling KA, Stewart C. Dietary docosahexaenoic acid levels influence the outcome of arabinosylcytosine chemotherapy in L1210 leukemic mice. Nutr Cancer. 2002;44(2):176-81.
Chajes V, Bougnoux P. Omega-6/omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio and cancer. World Rev Nutr Diet. 2003;92:133-51.
Colas S, Paon L, Denis F, Prat M, Louisot P, Hoinard C, Le Floch O, Ogilvie G, Bougnoux P. Enhanced radiosensitivity of rat autochthonous mammary tumors by dietary docosahexaenoic acid. Int J Cancer. 2004 Apr 10;109(3):449-54.
Danbara N, Uehara N, Shikata N, Takada H, Hada T, Tsubura A. Dietary effects of conjugated docosahexaenoic acid on N-methyl-N-nitrosourea-induced mammary carcinogenesis in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Oncol Rep. 2004 Nov;12(5):1079-85.
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